Thank You Alice Heiman

Thank you for that Pixie Purse thanks very very much expect that Pixie fairy doll with fairy dust and i am cute and pretty! Lillian Darnell Get & Stay Focused – Visit Vision Board Today

Thank You Heidi Nel and Cindi

I made a beautiful and heartfelt connection with a “heavenly” woman at the eWomen conference in Dallas last month. Heidi is the Heidi behind Heidi’s Heavenly Cookies out of Atlanta Georgia. She sat down next to me for lunch on Friday and we began talking about blogs and the connections one can make online. Our …

Thank you Barb Hranilovich

I have connected with a multi-talented and wonderful woman through my StartUp Ladies site. Her name is Barb Hranilovich and she is one awesome lady. Lillian and I made this “Thank You” video just for her. The fairy house in the video is very special as Barb makes them. She visited our Pink Elephant Books …