This is a special thank you to pappaw Robert for his birthday gift to Lillian. I had asked family members if they wanted to contribute towards this gift for Lillian in my last family email newsletter. My very awesome daddy, Robert Downs, volunteered to buy it and all the accessories for her. Thank you so much daddy!
He bought her the pink Asus Eee PC with a pink carrying case
and a pink mouse
. Lillian is already a whiz at using it. She’s had it for about 2 weeks now. I showed her the main page and she took off from there.
We both must make a wish every night before she goes to sleep. I cannot understand what she is saying when she tells me her wish (we must also share what we wished). I have her type her wish into the Asus and we take it to bed with her. When it’s time to share wishes I just have to look at what she typed. We were using the Dynavox unit for this; but, it is so heavy and doesn’t have an easy method for saving. By using the Asus I can save her wishes because they are so extra special – it’s kind of like a journal for her.
Here are some pictures of Lillian using it the morning after receiving it and some pictures of the case and mouse. Click on any of the links above to learn more about the PC, carrying case or mouse.