Mindmapping Lillian Stuff

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Here’s another Lillian Darnell Mindmap to share. She mindmapped this last April and I just came across it again. This one is titled “Lillian’s Stuff”.

Mom and Lillian

I like red

I like draw

I like books.

I like snow.

She really has a blast doing this. I have another 1 or 2 in the Lillian pile (the pile is actually quit large)!! How about anyone else out there? Are you getting buried alive with your precious one’s artwork and creations? Any tips or creative uses you use or have come across? Thanks for sharing!

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  1. Instead of sticking your all your child’s pictures up on the kitchen wall with tape or whatever, try choosing your favourites, treating them as proper artworks and framing them for display. If you hunt around a little, you can get big photographic clip-frames (A1 or even A0 size) reasonably cheaply and with a sheet of suitably-coloured backing paper, your kid’s picture will look fabulous, whether it’s an ‘abstract’, a ‘naive’ or something more sophisticated.

    If you want to keep some of the others to swap around, an art student’s portfolio case keeps the dust off, stops the pictures getting crumpled and can actually take up less space, leant aganst the back of a cupboard, than piles of paper on all your work surfaces!

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